Darkness at Noon is a novel by Arthur Koestler, first published in 1940. It is set in an unnamed country during the Stalinist purges of the 1930s. The novel follows the story of Rubashov, an old Bolshevik revolutionary who is arrested and imprisoned by the government he helped create.
The novel begins with Rubashov being arrested and taken to prison. He is interrogated by Gletkin, a young and zealous interrogator who is determined to get a confession from Rubashov. Rubashov is subjected to psychological torture and manipulation, and is eventually forced to confess to crimes he did not commit.
Throughout the novel, Rubashov reflects on his past and the events that led him to his current situation. He remembers his time as a revolutionary, and the ideals he once held. He also reflects on the changes that have taken place in the Soviet Union since the revolution, and how the ideals of the revolution have been corrupted by the Stalinist regime.
The novel culminates in Rubashov's execution. Before his death, he is visited by a former comrade, Ivanov, who tells him that the revolution has failed and that the ideals of the revolution have been betrayed. Rubashov accepts his fate and dies with dignity.
Darkness at Noon is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that explores the themes of totalitarianism, betrayal, and the consequences of idealism. It is a timeless classic that has been praised for its insight into the human condition and its exploration of the moral dilemmas faced by those living under oppressive regimes.