The Call Of The Wild

The Call of the Wild is a novel by Jack London, first published in 1903. It tells the story of Buck, a large and powerful St. Bernard-Scotch Collie mix, who is stolen from his comfortable home in California and sold into service as a sled dog in the harsh and frozen Yukon during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush.

Buck is taken to the Klondike by a man named Manuel, who sells him to a group of French-Canadian mail carriers. Buck is forced to adapt to the harsh conditions of the North, and he quickly learns to survive in the wild. He is trained to pull a sled and is soon sold to a man named John Thornton. Thornton treats Buck kindly and the two become close friends.

Buck's life in the wild is full of adventure and danger. He is forced to fight for his life against other dogs, wolves, and even a bear. He also learns to hunt and survive in the harsh environment. Buck's strength and courage are tested as he faces the dangers of the wild.

Eventually, Buck is reunited with his old master, Judge Miller, who has come to the Yukon in search of him. Buck is overjoyed to see his old master, but he is also torn between his loyalty to Thornton and his desire to return to his old home. In the end, Buck chooses to stay with Thornton and the two become inseparable.

The novel is a classic adventure story that explores the themes of loyalty, courage, and the power of nature. It is a timeless tale of a dog's journey from domestication to the wild, and the power of the call of the wild. The novel has been adapted into several films and television shows, and is considered to be one of the greatest works of literature of all time.