
U.S.A. (Trilogy) is a three-part novel written by John Dos Passos. It is a sweeping epic of American life in the early twentieth century, and is considered one of the most important works of American literature. The novel follows the lives of several characters, including the wealthy J. Ward Moorehouse, the ambitious journalist George Webber, and the working-class Mary French.

The first part of the novel, The 42nd Parallel, follows the lives of the characters as they move from their hometowns to the big cities of the East Coast. They experience the excitement and glamour of the Jazz Age, as well as the harsh realities of poverty and exploitation. The second part, Nineteen Nineteen, focuses on the characters' experiences during World War I and the post-war period. The third part, The Big Money, follows the characters as they struggle to make their way in the new economic order of the 1920s.

Throughout the novel, Dos Passos uses a variety of techniques to convey the complexity of American life. He uses newspaper headlines, magazine articles, and other documents to provide a sense of the larger historical context. He also uses stream-of-consciousness narration to explore the inner lives of his characters.

The novel is a powerful exploration of the American experience, and its themes are still relevant today. It examines the effects of industrialization, the rise of consumer culture, and the struggle between the wealthy and the working class. It also looks at the role of the media in shaping public opinion, and the power of the individual to make a difference in the world.

U.S.A. (Trilogy) is an important work of American literature, and its themes are still relevant today. It is a powerful exploration of the American experience, and its characters and stories remain timeless.