John Smith

John Smith is a name that is known throughout the world, but the history of this famous figure is often overlooked. John Smith was an English explorer, soldier, and author who is best known for his role in the founding of the first permanent English settlement in North America, Jamestown, Virginia.

John Smith was born in Willoughby, Lincolnshire, England in 1580. He was the son of a farmer and was educated at King Edward VI Grammar School in Louth. Smith was a restless young man and at the age of 16, he left home to join the army of the Dutch Republic. He served in the army for two years before returning to England in 1599.

In 1606, Smith joined the Virginia Company of London, a joint-stock company that was formed to establish a colony in the New World. Smith was chosen to lead the expedition and was given the title of “Admiral of New England”. He sailed to the New World with a fleet of three ships and 104 colonists.

Upon arriving in the New World, Smith and his crew explored the area and eventually settled in what is now Jamestown, Virginia. Smith was an effective leader and was able to keep the colonists safe from the Native Americans. He also negotiated a peace treaty with the local Powhatan tribe, which allowed the colonists to trade with them and use their land for farming.

Smith was an effective leader and was able to keep the colonists safe from the Native Americans. He also negotiated a peace treaty with the local Powhatan tribe, which allowed the colonists to trade with them and use their land for farming.

Smith was also an author and wrote several books about his experiences in the New World. His most famous work is A Description of New England, which was published in 1616. In this book, Smith described the geography, flora, and fauna of the New World. He also wrote about the Native Americans and their customs.

In 1614, Smith returned to England and was knighted by King James I. He continued to write and publish books about his travels and experiences in the New World. He also served as a consultant to the Virginia Company and was instrumental in the development of the colony.

John Smith died in 1631 at the age of 51. He is remembered as one of the most important figures in the history of the United States. He was a brave explorer, a skilled leader, and an influential author. His legacy lives on in the many books he wrote and the settlement he helped to establish.