Lançarote de Freitas

Lançarote de Freitas is a Brazilian politician and lawyer who has been a major figure in the country’s politics since the early 1980s. He is best known for his role in the impeachment of former President Fernando Collor de Mello in 1992. He has also served as a senator, a minister of justice, and a minister of foreign affairs.

Lançarote de Freitas was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1945. He attended the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where he earned a degree in law in 1969. After graduating, he worked as a lawyer in the state of Rio de Janeiro. In the early 1980s, he became involved in politics and was elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1982. He was re-elected in 1986 and 1990.

In 1992, Lançarote de Freitas was appointed as the Minister of Justice in the government of President Fernando Collor de Mello. He was instrumental in the impeachment of the president, which was the result of a corruption scandal. After the impeachment, he was appointed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the government of Itamar Franco.

In 1994, Lançarote de Freitas was elected to the Senate, where he served until 2002. During his time in the Senate, he was a vocal advocate for human rights and democracy. He was also a strong supporter of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988.

In 2002, Lançarote de Freitas was appointed as the Minister of Justice in the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. He served in this position until 2006. During his tenure, he was a strong advocate for the rights of indigenous peoples and for the protection of the environment.

In 2006, Lançarote de Freitas was elected to the Chamber of Deputies, where he served until 2014. During his time in the Chamber, he was a vocal advocate for the rights of the poor and for the protection of the environment. He was also a strong supporter of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988.

In 2014, Lançarote de Freitas was elected to the Senate, where he currently serves. He is a vocal advocate for human rights and democracy, and he is a strong supporter of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988. He is also a strong advocate for the rights of indigenous peoples and for the protection of the environment.

Lançarote de Freitas has been a major figure in Brazilian politics since the early 1980s. He has served in various positions in the government, including as a minister of justice and foreign affairs. He has been a vocal advocate for human rights and democracy, and he has been a strong supporter of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988. He has also been a strong advocate for the rights of indigenous peoples and for the protection of the environment.