Pedro Álvares Cabral

Pedro Álvares Cabral is one of the most important figures in the history of Portugal and the world. He was a Portuguese explorer and navigator who is credited with the discovery of Brazil in 1500. He was born in Belmonte, Portugal in 1467 and was the son of Fernão Cabral and Isabel de Gouveia. He was a member of the powerful Cabral family, which had a long history of service to the Portuguese crown.

Cabral was a skilled navigator and was chosen by King Manuel I of Portugal to lead an expedition to India in 1500. The expedition was part of the Portuguese effort to establish a trade route to India and the Far East. Cabral was given a fleet of 13 ships and a crew of 1,500 men. He set sail from Lisbon on March 9, 1500 and sailed south along the coast of Africa. On April 22, 1500, Cabral and his crew made landfall in what is now Brazil.

Cabral and his crew explored the area and claimed it for Portugal. He named the land “Ilha de Vera Cruz” (Island of the True Cross). Cabral then continued his voyage to India, arriving in Calicut in September 1500. He established a trading post in Calicut and returned to Portugal in 1501.

Cabral’s voyage to India was a major success for Portugal. It opened up a new trade route to the Far East and established Portugal as a major power in the region. Cabral’s discovery of Brazil was also significant. It opened up a new land for Portuguese colonization and exploitation.

Cabral’s legacy is still felt today. He is remembered as one of the most important figures in the history of Portugal and the world. His voyage to India and discovery of Brazil helped to shape the history of the world and opened up new opportunities for exploration and trade.

Cabral died in 1520, but his legacy lives on. He is remembered as a great explorer and navigator who helped to shape the history of Portugal and the world. His voyage to India and discovery of Brazil are still celebrated today. He is remembered as a great explorer and navigator who helped to shape the history of Portugal and the world.