Adrian IV (1154-59)

Adrian IV, born Nicholas Breakspear, was the only Englishman to ever become pope. He was pope from 1154 to 1159 and is remembered for his attempts to reform the Church and his involvement in the politics of the time.

Adrian was born in Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, England in 1100. He was the son of a priest and was educated at the Benedictine monastery of St. Albans. He was ordained a priest in 1122 and was appointed abbot of St. Albans in 1137. He was known for his intelligence and piety and was appointed cardinal-bishop of Albano in 1149.

In 1153, Adrian was elected pope by a majority of the cardinals. He took the name Adrian IV and was the first English pope. He was also the first pope to be crowned in the Lateran Basilica.

Adrian was a reformer and sought to reform the Church. He was a strong advocate of papal supremacy and sought to strengthen the power of the papacy. He also sought to reform the clergy and to reduce the influence of the Roman nobility. He was also a strong supporter of the Crusades and encouraged the kings of Europe to take part in them.

Adrian was also involved in the politics of the time. He was a strong supporter of the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and sought to strengthen the imperial power. He also sought to strengthen the power of the papacy in Italy and to reduce the influence of the Roman nobility. He was also involved in the politics of the German states and sought to bring them under the control of the papacy.

Adrian was also involved in the politics of England. He supported the claims of Henry II to the throne and sought to strengthen the power of the English monarchy. He also sought to reduce the power of the English nobility and to bring the Church in England under the control of the papacy.

Adrian was also involved in the politics of Ireland. He supported the claims of Henry II to the throne of Ireland and sought to bring the Church in Ireland under the control of the papacy. He also sought to reduce the power of the Irish nobility and to bring the Church in Ireland under the control of the papacy.

Adrian died in 1159 and was succeeded by Pope Alexander III. He is remembered for his attempts to reform the Church and his involvement in the politics of the time. He is also remembered for being the only Englishman to ever become pope.