Benedict XII (1334-42)

Benedict XII, born Jacques Fournier, was the Pope of the Catholic Church from 1334 to 1342. He was the third of the Avignon Popes, and the first to be born in France. He was a highly educated man, having studied at the University of Paris and the University of Toulouse. He was also a skilled diplomat, and was known for his efforts to reform the Church and promote peace.

Benedict XII was elected pope in 1334, and immediately set about reforming the Church. He was a strong advocate of papal authority, and sought to strengthen the power of the papacy. He also sought to reform the Church's finances, and to reduce the influence of the Roman nobility. He was also a strong supporter of the Franciscan and Dominican orders, and sought to promote their teachings.

Benedict XII was also a strong advocate of peace. He sought to end the Hundred Years' War between England and France, and to promote peace between the two countries. He also sought to end the conflict between the papacy and the Holy Roman Empire. He was also a strong supporter of the Crusades, and sought to promote the cause of Christian unity.

Benedict XII was also a strong supporter of education. He founded the University of Avignon, and sought to promote the study of theology and philosophy. He also sought to promote the study of science and medicine, and to encourage the development of new technologies. He was also a strong supporter of the arts, and sought to promote the works of artists such as Giotto and Fra Angelico.

Benedict XII was also a strong advocate of religious reform. He sought to end the practice of simony, and to promote the use of vernacular languages in the liturgy. He also sought to promote the use of the Bible in the liturgy, and to encourage the study of Scripture. He was also a strong supporter of the Inquisition, and sought to promote the use of torture in the pursuit of heresy.

Benedict XII was a highly influential pope, and his reforms had a lasting impact on the Church. He was a strong advocate of papal authority, and sought to strengthen the power of the papacy. He was also a strong supporter of education, and sought to promote the study of theology and philosophy. He was also a strong advocate of peace, and sought to end the Hundred Years' War and to promote peace between the papacy and the Holy Roman Empire. He was also a strong supporter of the arts, and sought to promote the works of artists such as Giotto and Fra Angelico. Finally, he was a strong advocate of religious reform, and sought to end the practice of simony and to promote the use of vernacular languages in the liturgy.