Clement XIII (1758-69)

Clement XIII, born Carlo della Torre Rezzonico, was the Pope of the Catholic Church from 1758 to 1769. He was born in Venice, Italy, on 7 April 1693, and was the son of Giambattista Rezzonico and Caterina Contarini. He was educated at the University of Padua and was ordained a priest in 1717. He was appointed Bishop of Padua in 1737 and was made a cardinal in 1747.

Clement XIII was elected Pope on 6 July 1758, and he took the name Clement XIII. He was the first Pope to be elected by the College of Cardinals since the death of Pope Benedict XIV in 1758. He was a strong supporter of the Jesuits and was known for his strong defense of the Church's traditional teachings. He was also a patron of the arts and sciences, and he encouraged the development of the sciences in the Papal States.

During his papacy, Clement XIII was faced with a number of difficult issues. He was opposed to the Enlightenment and the spread of its ideas, which he saw as a threat to the Church's authority. He also had to deal with the increasing power of the Bourbon monarchy in Italy, which was a threat to the Papal States. He was also opposed to the spread of Freemasonry, which he saw as a threat to the Church's teachings.

Clement XIII was also a strong supporter of the Jesuits, and he defended their rights and privileges. He also supported the establishment of the Collegio Romano, a Jesuit college in Rome. He also supported the establishment of the Gregorian University, which was founded by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582.

Clement XIII was also a strong supporter of the arts and sciences. He encouraged the development of the sciences in the Papal States, and he was a patron of the arts. He was also a patron of the Accademia dei Lincei, an academy of science and literature founded in 1603.

Clement XIII was also a strong supporter of the Catholic Church's traditional teachings. He was opposed to the spread of the Enlightenment and its ideas, and he was a strong defender of the Church's traditional teachings. He was also opposed to the spread of Freemasonry, which he saw as a threat to the Church's teachings.

Clement XIII was a strong supporter of the Jesuits and was a patron of the arts and sciences. He was also a strong defender of the Church's traditional teachings and was opposed to the spread of the Enlightenment and its ideas. He was a strong supporter of the Papal States and was a patron of the Accademia dei Lincei. He was a strong defender of the Church's traditional teachings and was opposed to the spread of Freemasonry. Clement XIII was a strong leader of the Catholic Church during his papacy and was a patron of the arts and sciences.