John XI (931-35)

John XI was the son of Pope Sergius III and Marozia, and was the pope from 931 to 935. He was the first pope to be born in Rome since the 8th century, and his reign was marked by a period of political and religious turmoil.

John XI was born in Rome in 931, the son of Pope Sergius III and Marozia, the daughter of Theophylact, Count of Tusculum. His father had been elected pope in 904, and his mother was the most powerful woman in Rome at the time. John was the first pope to be born in Rome since the 8th century, and his reign was marked by a period of political and religious turmoil.

John XI was elected pope in 931, at the age of twenty-one. He was the first pope to be elected by a majority of the Roman people, rather than by the Roman nobility. His election was seen as a sign of the people's desire for a more democratic papacy.

John XI was a reformer, and he sought to restore the power of the papacy. He was a strong advocate of papal primacy, and he sought to strengthen the authority of the papacy over the Church. He also sought to reform the Church's administration and finances, and he was successful in restoring the papacy's financial stability.

John XI was also a strong supporter of monasticism, and he encouraged the growth of monastic orders throughout Europe. He was a patron of the Benedictine Order, and he was instrumental in the establishment of the Cluniac Reforms, which sought to reform the monastic life and bring it in line with the teachings of the Church.

John XI was also a strong supporter of the arts, and he was a patron of the great Italian sculptor, Donatello. He was also a patron of the great Italian painter, Giotto.

John XI was a strong supporter of the papacy's temporal power, and he sought to expand the papacy's influence in Italy. He was successful in this endeavor, and he was able to extend the papacy's influence to the cities of Ravenna, Bologna, and Florence.

John XI was also a strong supporter of the papacy's spiritual power, and he sought to strengthen the Church's teachings and doctrines. He was successful in this endeavor, and he was able to bring about a period of religious reform in the Church.

John XI was a strong supporter of the papacy's temporal power, and he sought to expand the papacy's influence in Italy. He was successful in this endeavor, and he was able to extend the papacy's influence to the cities of Ravenna, Bologna, and Florence.

John XI was a strong supporter of the papacy's spiritual power, and he sought to strengthen the Church's teachings and doctrines. He was successful in this endeavor, and he was able to bring about a period of religious reform in the Church.

John XI was a strong supporter of the papacy's temporal power, and he sought to expand the papacy's influence in Italy. He was successful in this endeavor, and he was able to extend the papacy's influence to the cities of Ravenna, Bologna, and Florence.

John XI was a strong supporter of the papacy's spiritual power, and he sought to strengthen the Church's teachings and doctrines. He was successful in this endeavor, and he was able to bring about a period of religious reform in the Church.

John XI was a strong supporter of the papacy's temporal power, and he sought to expand the papacy'