John XXI (1276-77)

John XXI, also known as Pedro Hispano, was a Portuguese physician, philosopher, and theologian who served as the twenty-first Pope of the Catholic Church from 1276 to 1277. He was born in Lisbon, Portugal in 1215 and was the son of a wealthy merchant. He studied medicine at the University of Paris and later became a professor of medicine at the University of Siena. He was also a prolific writer, producing works on philosophy, theology, and medicine.

John XXI was elected pope in 1276, succeeding Gregory X. He was the first Portuguese pope and the first to be elected by a conclave of cardinals. He was also the first pope to be elected by a majority of the cardinals, rather than by acclamation. During his papacy, John XXI sought to reform the Church and strengthen its authority. He issued a number of decrees, including one that prohibited the sale of indulgences and another that required the clergy to take an oath of obedience to the pope. He also sought to improve the education of the clergy and to promote the study of philosophy and theology.

John XXI was an advocate of the papal monarchy and sought to strengthen the power of the papacy. He was a strong supporter of the Franciscan Order and sought to promote its teachings. He also sought to improve the administration of the Church and to reform the papal court. He was a strong advocate of the papal primacy and sought to strengthen the authority of the pope over the Church.

John XXI was also a prolific writer. He wrote a number of works on philosophy, theology, and medicine. His most famous work was the Summa Philosophiae, which was a comprehensive treatise on philosophy. He also wrote a number of works on medicine, including the Practica Medicinae, which was a medical textbook. He also wrote a number of works on theology, including the Summa Theologiae, which was a comprehensive treatise on theology.

John XXI was a highly influential figure in the Church during his papacy. He was a strong advocate of the papal monarchy and sought to strengthen the power of the papacy. He was also a prolific writer and produced a number of works on philosophy, theology, and medicine. He was a strong supporter of the Franciscan Order and sought to promote its teachings. He was also a strong advocate of the papal primacy and sought to strengthen the authority of the pope over the Church.

John XXI died in 1277, after only a year as pope. He was succeeded by Pope Nicholas III. His legacy as pope was one of reform and strengthening of the Church. He was a strong advocate of the papal monarchy and sought to strengthen the power of the papacy. He was also a prolific writer and produced a number of works on philosophy, theology, and medicine. He was a strong supporter of the Franciscan Order and sought to promote its teachings. He was also a strong advocate of the papal primacy and sought to strengthen the authority of the pope over the Church. His legacy as pope was one of reform and strengthening of the Church.